
Financial Highlights
Medium Term Plan
4℃ Quick Guide
IR News
IR Library
IR Calendar
Stock Information
General Meeting
Disclosure Policy
IR Mail


Q. What is your management strategy?
A. We are working on management reforms based on a long-term management vision spanning 10 years and a medium-term management agenda that clarifies specific issues to be addressed in order to achieve the vision. For details, please refer to%link:/ir/medium-term-management-plan,long-term-management-vision/medium-term-management-tasks%.
Q. Please tell us about your past performance.
A. For information on our financial performance for the past five fiscal years, please see%link:/ir/financial-highlights ,financial/financial-performance%.
Q. When is the next shareholders' meeting?
A. Please refer to "%link:/ir/calendar ,IR Calendar%" for the next General Meeting of Shareholders.